Strategy, Finance & City
Agenda Item 64
Targeted Budget
Management (TBM) 2023/24:
Month 7
Date of Meeting:
7 December 2023
Report of:
Chief Finance
Contact Officer:
Jeff Coates
The Targeted Budget Monitoring (TBM) report is a key component of
the council’s overall performance monitoring and control
framework. This report sets out an indication of forecast risks as
at Month 7 (October) on the council’s revenue and capital
budgets for the financial year 2023/24.
The forecast risk for 2023/24 at this stage is an £2.870m
(1.2%) overspend risk on the General Fund revenue budget. This
includes a forecast overspend of £0.361m on the
council’s share of NHS managed Section 75 services. The
forecast is a significant improvement since Month 5, however, this
reflects a number of planned mitigations alongside continuing
underlying improvements due primarily to vacancy and spending
controls introduced in July. As before, there remain a number of
ongoing impacts in relation to economic conditions which are
currently suppressing incomes such as planning fees and parking
charges as well as continuing to drive higher Council Tax Reduction
claimant numbers. A significant level of savings are also shown to
be at risk with the report indicating that £4.027m (28%) of
the substantial savings package in 2023/24 of £14.173m is
potentially at risk.
The report indicates that the position, while much improved,
requires further escalation of expenditure and recruitment controls
over the remainder of the year in order to achieve break-even this
year. This is discussed further in Section 12 below.
That the Committee note the forecast risk position for the General
Fund, which indicates a potential forecast overspend risk of
£2.870m. This includes an overspend of £0.361m on the
council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.
That the Committee note the further escalation of recruitment and
spending controls summarised in Section 12 to assist in mitigating
the overspend forecast over the remaining months of the financial
That the Committee note the forecast for the Housing Revenue
Account (HRA), which is currently a break-even position.
That the Committee note the forecast position for the Dedicated
Schools Grant which is currently an overspend of
That the Committee note the forecast outturn position on the
capital programme which is a forecast underspend of £1.986m
and approve the variations and slippage in Appendix 6 and new
schemes as set out in Appendix 7.
Targeted Budget
Management (TBM) Reporting Framework
The TBM framework focuses on identifying and managing financial
risks on a regular basis throughout the year. This is applied at
all levels of the organisation from Budget Managers through to
Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee. Services monitor
their TBM position on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on the
size, complexity or risks apparent within a budget area. TBM
therefore operates on a risk-based approach, paying particular
attention to mitigation of growing cost pressures, demands or
overspending through effective financial recovery planning together
with more regular monitoring of high risk demand-led areas as
detailed below.
The TBM report is normally split into the following sections:
General Fund Revenue Budget Performance
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Performance
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) Performance
iv) NHS
Controlled S75 Partnership Performance
Capital Investment Programme Performance
Capital Programme Changes
Implications for the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
viii) Comments of the Chief
Finance Officer (statutory S151 officer)
The report may also include a Treasury Management update from time
to time. This is required to comply with the updated Treasury
Management Code which requires a minimum of quarterly reporting.
The committee already receives mid-year and end-of-year reviews and
therefore two additional interim reports will be provided via an
appropriate TBM report to ensure compliance with the new reporting
requirements. This month’s report does not include an update
as there is a separate Treasury management report on the agenda for
this meeting.
General Fund Revenue Budget Performance (Appendix 4)
The table below shows the provisional outturn for Council
controlled revenue budgets within the General Fund. These are
budgets under the direct control and management of the Executive
Leadership Team. More detailed explanation of the variances can be
found in Appendix 4.
Month 5
Month 7
Month 7
Month 7
Month 7
Families, Children & Learning
Health & Adult Social Care
Economy, Environment & Culture
Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities
Governance, People & Resources
Sub Total
Corporately-held Budgets
Total General Fund
The General Fund includes general council services, corporate
budgets and central support services. Corporate Budgets include
centrally held provisions and budgets (e.g. insurance) as well as
some cross-cutting value for money savings targets. Note that
General Fund services are accounted for separately to the Housing
Revenue Account (Council Housing). Note also that although part of
the General Fund, financial information for the Dedicated Schools
Grant is shown separately as this is ring-fenced to education
provision (i.e. Schools). The chart below shows the monthly
forecast variances for 2023/24 and the previous three years for
comparative purposes.
Demand-led Budgets
There are a number of budgets that carry potentially higher
financial risks and therefore could have a material impact on the
council’s overall financial position. These are budgets of
corporate significance where demand or activity is difficult to
predict and where relatively small changes in demand can have
significant implications for the council’s budget strategy.
These can include income related budgets. These therefore undergo
more frequent and detailed analysis.
Month 5
Month 7
Month 7
Month 7
Month 7
Child Agency & In House Placements
Community Care
Temporary Accommodation
Total Demand-led Budget
The chart below
shows the monthly forecast variances on the demand-led budgets for
The large downward movement on Community Care (Adult Social Care)
is due to the confirmation from the NHS of funding toward S117
Mental Health Care packages which had been under negotiation for
some months.
TBM Focus Areas
There are clearly
widespread pressures across most areas of the council, particularly
front-line, demand-led areas which is a clear indicator of the
inflationary and demand pressures driven by current economic
conditions. Key areas of pressures are outlined below:
Families, Children & Learning: The current projected
position identifies potentially significant cost pressures:
£0.496m on Home to School transport and £0.373m on the
Schools’ PFI. These, together with underspends on
Children’s Placements of (£1.114m), one-off Public
Health funding to Family Hubs following review of support provided
(£1.316m) and other variances of £0.230m result in a
forecast underspend of (£1.331m) as at Month 7. Key drivers
of the projected position are as follows:
Home to School
Transport There are several
factors contributing to overspends in Home to School Transport.
These include increased demand on the service (both at 5-16 ages,
and 16 up until 19th birthday), increased numbers of
children requiring single occupancy journeys, lack of local SEND
school sufficiency, and increased numbers of routes required to
accommodate individual post 16 learners’ timetables.
Market forces
within SEND transport are also contributing to overspend in Home to
School Transport. The service is being increasingly impacted by
local driver, vehicle passenger assistant, vehicle shortages and
increased running costs. There is also a lack of competition in the
transport market, particularly minibus providers, which is pushing
up contract prices still further. Home to School Transport price
rises in September have been significant with the average cost per
pupil increasing by 18%. There is increasingly less capacity in the
local system to meet demand, not just in the numbers of children
requiring transport but the nature of the transport
Children in Care
and Care Leavers: The post
pandemic period has seen children with increasingly complex needs
coming into care, as well as problems in foster care recruitment
causing an acute sufficiency issue making placing children in
families either in-house or with external providers very difficult.
This has inevitably led to increasing numbers of children being
placed in residential homes or very expensive semi-independent
placements. The impact of the increasing complexity of need has
resulted in a small number of very high-cost placements.
There are
currently a number of ongoing initiatives and alternative service
offers, attempting to reverse the trend of reducing foster carer
numbers and address the complex needs of the children being
referred. Including a revised and enhanced foster carer allowance
structure, new foster care recruitment and supervision practices,
Early Help and alternative family support provision. These
initiatives appear to be having some success in recent months and
it is anticipated that placements for children in care and care
leavers will remain within budget in 2023/24.
PFI: The
Schools’ PFI (Private Finance Initiative) was set up in 2003
to improve the facilities at four schools within the city - Dorothy
Stringer, COMART (now closed), Patcham High and Varndean –
using private finance to fund the capital improvements. The scheme
runs for 25 years and a Special Purpose Vehicle (a legal entity
created to fulfil specific or temporary objectives) “Brighton
& Hove City Schools Ltd” was set up as part of it. This
is currently owned by SEMPERIAN. The scheme is funded partly by a
DfE grant with schools paying an annual charge back to the council
and partly via an annual drawdown of earmarked reserves. The annual
charge is updated each March for the RPIX (RPI All Items Excluding
Mortgage Interest) for the 12 months to February. Once the 25-year
period is complete (31st March 2028) the contract with
SEMPERIAN ends and the assets will be transferred back to the
By the end of the
2023/24 financial year the Schools’ PFI contract is expected
to be overbudget by £0.373m. This is largely down to the high
level of inflation experienced in 2022/23 and the knock-on impact
this had on our PFI contractor costs. The increased costs
meant a higher amount was required to be drawn down on the reserve,
reducing it to a level that will not be sufficient to cover costs
in 2023/24. Additionally, the rate of inflation used in our PFI
model to forecast this year’s costs has increased
significantly. Though inflation is falling and is expected to drop
back to 3%, it is not expected to occur before the end of this
financial year.
For the 2023/24
financial year there are 33 schools (out of a total of 61
maintained schools) that have licensed deficit budget arrangements.
This represents 54% of all schools with the greatest pressure being
in the primary phase, where 29 out of a total of 48 schools will be
operating licensed deficits.
The total of the
licensed deficits for 2023/24 is £4.393m. This is only
slightly below the net school balances at the end of the 2022/23
financial year which was a surplus of £4.540m. It is
anticipated that by the end of the 2023/24 financial year there
will no longer be an overall surplus balance
The forecast for the 2023/24 central
Dedicated Schools Grant is currently an overspend of £0.573m.
More details are provided in Appendix 4.
Linked to the above, potential school
organisational changes are anticipated to give rise to additional
costs that would not be chargeable to the Dedicated Schools Grant.
These are estimates at present and a prudential provision of
£0.500m has been included under Corporately-held Budgets to
reflect potential costs. However, these costs are unlikely to fall
out until next financial year and may alternatively be managed as
part of the budget setting process which considers all one-off
costs and resources for next year.
Adults Services: The service faces significant challenges in
2023/24 in mitigating the risks arising from increasing demands
from client needs, supporting more people to be discharged from
hospital when they are ready and maintaining a resilient local
provider market. It is to be noted that this is after applying
service pressure funding of £9.639m in 2023/24 which has been
used to fund budget pressures resulting from the increased
complexity and costs of care.
The 2023/24 savings
plan for HASC totals £4.316m. There are continued actions
focussing on attempting to manage demand on and costs of community
care placements across Assessment Services and making the most
efficient use of available funds.
directorate has an ongoing Modernisation Programme which aims to
implement a consistent strengths-based approach across key work
streams, ensuring robust pathways are in place, developing a
community reablement offer and re-designing the front door service.
Currently the Health & Social Care system is under considerable
pressure, and this is generating additional costs for the council
due to:
Pressures on the
system due to short-term grant monies and an unresolved national,
long-term funding solution;
pressures on the acute hospital resulting in increased costs to
support timely discharge into residential and nursing home
Pressures on NHS
outreach and other preventative services including community
nursing (known as Integrated Primary Care Teams), and;
capacity challenges across adult social care services.
The funding of all care packages is
scrutinised for Value for Money, ensuring that eligible needs are
met in the most cost-effective manner which will not always meet
people’s aspirations. Established safeguards are in place to
provide assurance within this process.
Emergency, nightly
booked (Spot Purchased) accommodation is forecast to overspend by
£1.218m. The service saw increasing numbers of applicants for
emergency accommodation in the first quarter of 2023/24 with an
average of 153 households every night. which is almost three times
higher than budgeted. This is partly driven by an increase in
private property owners selling properties and evicting tenants as
a result. There is also an increase in the number of households
being placed who are fleeing domestic abuse. The service is
analysing each placement to identify any opportunities to better
prevent homelessness and understand the reasons for this. There was
a slight dip in numbers during the summer months, however there
were 151 households being housed as at 13/11/23.
To add to this
pressure, the cost of accommodation has also been increasing and
the service is focussed on reducing the average nightly cost
wherever possible and has seen a reduction over the past few
months. This forecast assumes that the number of households remains
at this level for the remainder of the year. However, the service
is implementing further measures to reduce the number of households
accommodated as part of the financial recovery plan and the
Homelessness Transformation Programme. Operational changes have
already reduced the number of new households being placed per week
from an average of 17.3 to 13.2 over the past six months. The
additional annual cost to the council if the higher average had
been maintained is c. £2m.
The service is also facing further
pressures on the overall costs of block-booked emergency
accommodation. The budget assumed that there would be a reduction
of 125 units during 2023/24. However, this is now looking
increasingly unlikely due to the demands on the service and the
forecast assumes a reduction of 16 units from December as one block
has recently been handed back to the provider. This impacts on the
ability of the service to meet its savings targets, as mentioned
above. Additionally, the council is facing large increases to
contract costs and therefore the forecast is that this budget will
overspend by £1.909m. This forecast overspend has reduced
since Month 5 due to the service improvements relating to void
turnaround times of third party contracts and the recent hand back
of 16 units together with a change to the way grant funding is
allocated across the services.
Leased TA is forecast to overspend by
£0.005m. There has been an adjustment to the way the grant
funding is allocated since the forecast at Month 5. £0.343m
of grant income has now been allocated to block booked emergency
accommodation (above) as it better reflects where grant is needed
and presents a more realistic picture of where the pressures are in
the service. Therefore, leased TA is forecast as a small overspend
of £0.005m made up of a variety of small underspends on
repairs, council tax and the contribution to the bad debt provision
(£0.114m) offset by the extra cost of the loss of Housing
Benefit Subsidy £0.089m.and a forecast overspend on leased
rental costs £0.030m. The service has worked to reduce the
council tax costs and rent loss on empty properties by improving
the void turnaround times resulting in an improvement of the void
rent loss. Future forecasts will depend on the costs associated
with any new contracts agreed with landlords.
These variances have been offset using
of one-off Grant funding of £1.801m and an underspend on
temporary accommodation staffing costs of £0.021m.
Housing is continuing to seek cost
reductions through the continuation of the Homelessness
Transformation Programme to help the service improve its processes
to reduce the use and length of stay in Temporary Accommodation by
improving homeless prevention and enabling move on to more
sustainable accommodation. This is challenging in a city where
private sector rents are very high, supply is limited, and benefit
levels remain static. Further efficiencies are being sought as part
of an urgent financial recovery plan which aims to reduce in-year
costs by a further £0.150m by reducing the use of expensive
emergency accommodation and the average nightly charge and by
seeking more cost-effective opportunities. Also, by (for example)
continuing to improve the prevention of homelessness, looking for
further move-on opportunities; endeavouring to get the best prices
for all temporary and emergency accommodation; improving void
turnaround times in emergency accommodation and improving income
collection thereby continuing to reduce costs in line with the
budget strategy.
Environment, Economy & Culture: The Directorate
has substantial income budgets for parking, planning and venues and
for the council’s commercial property portfolio, all of which
are dependent on visitor numbers and commercial activity. There are
also challenging savings in year of which most relate to additional
income. Of the £4.727m savings proposed for the current
financial year £3.188m net of pressures is achieved or
anticipated to be achieved, with the remaining £1.539m at
risk. Price increases have been applied in most areas, however some
approved fees & charges increases, particularly within Parking
Services, have been reversed resulting in pressures for the
service. Some incomes are yet to be achieved as these areas are
dependent on demand including tourism and visitor numbers. The most
significant areas of shortfall are £1.091m for parking tariff
and permit fees increases, £0.100m reduction of the lifeguard
service which has been delayed to ensure a full summer season this
year and £0.165m for new and increased commercial income
These activities and services had been heavily impacted by COVID-19
in previous years and the services are starting to see recovery,
but these targets will only be achieved if demand returns fully to
pre-covid levels including paid parking, tourism and venues
incomes, commercial activities and Planning & Building Control
fee incomes. The directorate also contains large budgets for the
waste collection and street cleansing services which are
forecasting greater than budgeted costs due to agency cover of
vacant posts and greater uptake on the pension scheme over recent
years adding staffing pressures to existing budgets. The overall
effect of these factors is a forecast risk of £2.659m for
Month 7, an improvement of £0.887m since Month 5 by actioning
financial recovery measures and expenditure controls. The
Directorate is reviewing expenditure budgets and income potential
throughout the year to address budget overspends.
Corporately-held Budgets There is a small forecast overspend
of £0.008m on corporately-held budgets, however, this masks
significant variances. The projected additional costs of the NJC
Local Government 2023/24 pay award are held on this budget line.
The projected additional unbudgeted cost is £3.700m which is
based on the confirmed pay award of a £1,925 flat rate
increase or 3.88%, whichever is greater, for all NJC salaries plus
the agreed pay award of 3.50% for JNC Chief Officers. This is
equivalent to a 6.0% increase on the payroll compared with the
3.75% increase included in the budget for 2023/24.
There is also an estimated pressure of
£0.920m on Housing Benefit subsidy. Within this £0.967m
relates to the main subsidy budgets and is based on the latest
subsidy data produced in 2023/24. Of this pressure, £0.418m
relates to a particular benefit type for vulnerable tenants which
is not fully subsidised and which continues to grow despite service
pressure funding of £0.450m provided in the 2023/24 budget.
This is being investigated to fully understand the reasons for the
ongoing and relatively recent growth in this area. There is also a
pressure of £0.526m on the net recovery of overpayments
mainly due to a required increase in the bad debt provision based
on the forecast increase in debt outstanding.
Other items include a provision of
£0.500m relating school organisation costs as noted in
paragraph 4.5 above and there is a pressure of £0.200m on
Insurance caused by an increase in premium costs and the value of
claims paid.
There is also a
forecast underspend of £1.611m on the Financing Costs budget.
This is due to improved investment income following increases in
the Bank of England Base Rate and higher than budgeted cash
balances. However, this is offset by an under-payment by the i360
of £0.800m due partly to economic conditions and partly to
the challenges of transitioning to a new business model put in
place earlier this year.
Significantly, the
50:50 profit-share from the Housing Joint Venture with Hyde Housing
has now also been confirmed following completion of a scheme and
this provides £3.500m one-off corporate resources to
contribute to the management of the council’s overall
financial position.
Monitoring Savings
The savings package approved by full Council to support the revenue
budget position in 2023/24 was £14.173m following directly on
from a £10.509m savings package in 2022/23. This is very
significant and follows 13 years of substantial packages totalling
over £209m since government grant reductions commenced in
2009/10, and which have been necessary to enable cost and demand
increases to be funded alongside managing the reductions in central
government grant funding.
Appendix 4 provides a summary of savings in each directorate and
indicates in total what is anticipated/achieved, what has been
offset by in year pressures and the net position of savings at
risk. Appendix 5 summarises the position across all directorates
and presents the entire savings programme. The graph below provides
a summary of the position as at Month 7 and shows that gross
savings of £10.905m have been achieved but that inflationary
pressures (exceptional price increases) have reduced this by
£0.759m leaving a total of £4.027m (28%) currently at
risk. This includes £3.268m of unachievable or unachieved
Housing Revenue Account Performance (Appendix 4)
The forecast outturn is a breakeven position with more details
provided in Appendix 4. Within the breakeven position there are
variances within specific service areas, the net overspend across
services is £0.935m (a minor improvement from Month 5) and
has been funded by reducing the use of Direct Revenue Funding (DRF)
against the HRA capital programme. The impact of doing this results
in an increase in borrowing.
The investment made for the 2023/24 budgets went some way to
address pressures, but inevitably additional pressures have
surfaced since the budget was formally agreed at Full Council in
February 2023, some of which are described below.
The 2023/24 budgets include an allowance for a pay award of 4%
across all posts, this added £0.805m to the salary budgets
for the financial year. Following confirmation of the NJC pay
award, it is estimated that a further £0.420m will be
incurred against the 2023/24 base salary budgets. The total
increase is equivalent to a 5.6% increase on payroll compared to
the 4% allowed for, this increase will be funded from Direct
Revenue Funding during 2023/24 and will form part of the base
budget for 2024/25.
The empty properties recovery working group continues to meet
during to address the rent loss and other costs such as the cost
temporary accommodation, council tax and repairs associated with
those empty properties. Positive progress continues to be made
against key performance indicators, including the number of empty
council homes and average re-let times. There is an expected
overspend on void rent loss during 2023/24, this is in part due to
a greater number of new affordable homes being delivered during the
year than was anticipated at the time of setting the budget. This
overspend has been offset by the increase in income from those new
homes, the net impact of the increase in rent and empty property
homes is estimated to be £0.837m.
The forecast now includes an estimated overspend on the bad debt
provision of £0.100m, this is a result of an increase in the
arrears, up to the end of October there has been an average monthly
increase in arrears of £0.135m for current and former
tenants. The forecast collection rate for 2023/24 is 93.66%, down
from 94.01% at the end of March 2023. There are mitigations in
place as part of a recovery plan to improve rent collection that
will address this issue and look to increase the collection rate
and reduce the monthly arrears. This position remains a risk for
the HRA and will be reviewed over the coming months.
A report was presented to Housing & New Homes Committee on
23rd June 2023 with an update on the Health & Safety
action plan presented on 17th September 2023 outlining
the implications of increased Health & Safety legislation and
regulations on the HRA. The report updated Housing & New Homes
Committee on the key outcomes, actions to date, and resourcing
plans arising from our Housing health & safety review against
the following six areas of compliance and assurance: fire safety;
asbestos; electrical safety; gas / fuel safety; lifts and lifting
equipment; water safety. The timing of investment means the
financial implications for 2023/24 are such that the costs continue
to be managed within the existing resources already approved.
Implications for 2024/25 and beyond will be included in the 2024/25
HRA budget report.
Offsetting a lot of these increased costs is a forecast underspend
on staffing budgets particularly in Repairs & Maintenance.
Recruitment is underway but is only having a part year impact for
The service will continue to review spend to try to reduce any
forecast overspend during the year. If this cannot be managed
within budget then the overspend will be met from other resources
as outlined in the HRA budget report for 2023/24.
Dedicated Schools Grant Performance (Appendix 4)
The Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) is a ring-fenced grant within the
General Fund which can only be used to fund expenditure on the
Schools Budget. The Schools Budget includes elements for a range of
services provided on an authority-wide basis including Early Years
education provided by the Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI)
sector, and the Individual Schools Budget (ISB) which is divided
into a budget share for each maintained school. The forecast
outturn is currently an overspend of £0.573m and more details
are provided in Appendix 4. Under the Schools Finance Regulations
any underspend or overspend must be carried forward within the
Schools Budget in future years.
NHS Managed S75 Partnership Performance (Appendix 4)
The NHS Trust-managed Section 75 Services represent those services
for which local NHS Trusts act as the Host Provider under Section
75 Agreements. Services are managed by Sussex Partnership
Foundation Trust (SPFT) and include health and social care services
for Adult Mental Health and Memory and Cognitive Support
This partnership is subject to separate annual risk-sharing
arrangements and the monitoring of financial performance is the
responsibility of the respective host NHS Trust provider.
Risk-sharing arrangements result in financial implications for the
council where a partnership is underspent or overspent at year-end
and hence the performance of the partnership is included within the
forecast outturn for the Health & Adult Social Care
directorate. An overspend of £0.361m is currently forecast
and more details are provided in Appendix 4.
Capital Programme Performance and Changes
Reported Budget Month 7
Forecast Outturn Month 7
Forecast Variance Month 7
Forecast Variance Month 7
Families, Children
& Learning
Health & Adult
Social Care
Economy, Environment
& Culture
Neighbourhoods & Communities
Housing Revenue
Governance, People
& Resources
(Note: Summary may include minor
rounding differences to Appendix 6)
Appendix 6 shows the changes to the capital budget and Appendix 7
provides details of new schemes for 2023/24 to be added to the
capital programme which are included in the budget figures above.
Strategy, Finance & City Regeneration Committee’s
approval for these changes is required under the council’s
Financial Regulations. The following table shows the movement in
the capital budget since approval at Month 5.
Reported Budget Month 7
Summary of Capital Budget Movement
Budget approved as
at Month 5
Changes reported at
other committees and already approved
New schemes to be
approved in this report (see Appendix 7)
Variations to budget
(to be approved)
Reprofiling of
budget (to be approved)
Slippage (to be
Appendix 6 also details any slippage into next year. Project
managers have forecast that £0.320m of the capital budget
will slip into the next financial year at this stage.
Implications for the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)
The council’s MTFS sets out resource assumptions and
projections over a longer term. It is periodically updated
including a major annual update which is included in the annual
revenue budget report to Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration
Committee and Full Council. This section highlights any potential
implications for the current MTFS arising from in-year TBM
monitoring above and details any changes to financial risks
together with any impact on associated risk provisions, reserves
and contingencies. Details of Capital Receipts and Collection Fund
performance are also given below because of their potential impact
on future resources.
The forecast risk at Month 7 indicates that a significant number of
service areas are under pressure. Spending and recruitment
controls, alongside continuing development of other financial
recovery actions, will attempt to mitigate the in-year position but
are also important in the context of addressing underlying
pressures to alleviate future years’ budget pressures and
improve longer term financial sustainability.
Capital Receipts Performance
Capital receipts are used to support the capital programme. Any
changes to the level of receipts during the year will impact on
future years’ capital programmes and may impact on the level
of future investment for corporate funds and projects such as the
Strategic Investment Fund, Modernisation Fund, Asset Management
Fund and the Information, Technology and Digital Investment Fund.
The planned profile of capital receipts for 2023/24, as at Month 7,
is £6.765m which includes receipts expected for Patcham Court
Farm, Kings Road and some larger lease re-gear payments on
commercial sites. To date there have been receipts of £0.818m
in relation to the sale of 8-9 Kings Road plus a lease payment at
Stanmer house and some minor lease extensions and loan repayments.
The capital receipts performance will be monitored over the
remainder of the year against capital commitments.
The forecast for the ‘right to buy sales’ in 2023/24
(after allowable costs and repayment of housing debt) is that an
estimated 40 homes will be sold and net retained receipt of up to
£5.200m available to re-invest in replacement homes, this
includes the element of the receipts that is paid to Central
Government, the council is permitted to retain during 2023/24
through an amendment to the RTB retention policy. In addition to
this net retained receipt the HRA will also retain circa
£0.500m to fund investment in the HRA capital programme. To
date 15 homes have been sold in 2023/24.
Collection Fund Performance
The collection fund is a separate account for transactions in
relation to council tax and business rates. Any deficit or surplus
forecast on the collection fund relating to council tax is
distributed between the council, Sussex Police and Crime
Commissioner and East Sussex Fire Authority, whereas any forecast
deficit or surplus relating to business rates is shared between the
council, East Sussex Fire Authority and the government.
The council tax collection fund is forecast to be in deficit by
£1.388m by year end and is an increase of £0.384m from
the Month 5 forecast. There are two main items resulting in the net
increase. The in year collection of council tax income is down and
the current forecast assumes there will be a shortfall in ultimate
collection of £1.455m. The council tax reduction (CTR)
claimant numbers have been reducing in the last two months. This is
in contrast to the previous forecast where a n ongoing increase was
assumed; this revised assumption reduces the expected cost by
£1.086m. There is a significant backlog of council tax
changes which once processed are likely to further impact on the
forecast but it’s not possible to quantify whether this would
be positive or negative to the overall collection fund position.
The council's share of the overall deficit of £1.388m is
The business rates collection fund indicates a forecast deficit of
£2.856m for the year-end position. After incorporating lower
Section 31 compensation grant, the council’s overall share of
the deficit is £1.741m; this is an increase of £1.163m
from the £0.578m at TBM month 5. The main reason for the
deficit is higher than anticipated appeals being processed against
the 2017 list, with many backdated to 1 April 2017. The appeals
provision is insufficient to cover this higher level of successful
appeals and is therefore affecting the in-year position. So far in
2023/24 successful appeals have resulted in £4.647m being
credited to accounts against a provision of £3.786m. Within
the £4.647m there is £2.494m relating to just four
properties where the rateable value has reduced by between 20% and
66% and was backdated to 1 April 2017.
In addition to the amounts settled to date, the council is also
needing to provide for future successful appeals against the 2017
list. The empty relief awarded to date is just within the forecast
made for the current year, however, there has been £0.517m
awarded for previous financial years which also affects the in-year
position. There are a range of risks that could change this
forecast significantly with the main uncertain factors being
further successful appeals, the level of business failures, delayed
developments, and any step increase in empty properties.
Reserves, Budget
Transfers and Commitments
The creation of reserves, the approval of budget transfers
(virements) of over £0.250m, and agreement to new financial
commitments of corporate financial significance that are not
provided for in the approved budget and policy framework require
Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee approval in
accordance with the council’s Financial Regulations and
Standard Financial Procedures. There are no items requiring
approval at this stage.
The provisional outturn position on the General Fund is an
overspend of £2.870m. This includes a forecast overspend of
£0.361m on the council’s share of the NHS managed
Section 75 services. Any overspend at year-end would either need to
be carried forward or potentially met from available one-off
resources including the Working Balance.
No specific consultation has been undertaken in relation to this
A recruitment freeze has been in place since July and spending
controls are in place across directorates. These have been
escalated further for the remaining months as follows:
recruitments (appointments) except agreed exemptions (e.g. Social
Care homes) are now held until 1 April unless over-ridden by the
Executive Leadership Team for exceptional reasons;
additional scrutiny and control over agency staffing usage,
including extensions, is now in place;
instructions have been issued to all directorates to slow both
revenue and capital expenditure, except where statutorily required,
to increase the council’s cash balances and therefore improve
short-term investment income;
Linked to the
above, the council will ensure that payments to suppliers are not
made before the due term and purchase orders and contracts will not
be signed or processed until absolutely necessary, and;
purchase order controls will be put in place for the remaining
months requiring sign off of orders at Assistant Director level or
The council’s in-year financial situation is clearly very
challenging but with the escalated controls now in place and
ongoing recovery actions in place across directorates, reaching
break-even by year-end is expected to be achievable but there will
inevitably be some impacts on service delivery.
Financial Implications:
The financial implications are covered in the main body of the
report. Financial performance is kept under review on a monthly
basis by the Executive Leadership Team and the management and
treatment of forecast risks is considered by the Audit &
Standards Committee as part of its review of strategic risks.
Finance Officer Consulted: Jeff
Date:21st November 2023
Legal Implications:
Decisions taken in relation to the capital and revenue budget must
enable the council to observe its legal duty to achieve best value
by securing continuous improvement in the way in which its
functions are exercised, having regard to a combination of economy,
efficiency and effectiveness. The council must also comply with its
general fiduciary duties to its Council Tax payers by acting with
financial prudence, and bear in mind the reserve powers of the
Secretary of State under the Local Government Act 1999 to limit
Council Tax & precepts.
Lawyer Consulted: Elizabeth
Date: 22/11/23
Equalities Implications:
There are no direct equalities implications arising from this
Sustainability Implications:
Although there are no direct sustainability implications arising
from this report, the council’s financial position is an
important aspect of its ability to meet council priorities
including carbon reduction measures.
Risk and Opportunity Management Implications:
The council’s revenue budget and Medium Term Financial
Strategy contain risk provisions to accommodate emergency spending,
even out cash flow movements and/or meet exceptional items. The
council maintains a recommended minimum working balance of
£9.000m to mitigate these risks. The council also maintains
other general and earmarked reserves and contingencies to cover
specific project or contractual risks and commitments.
Financial Dashboard Summary
Revenue Budget Movement Since Month 5
Revenue Budget RAG Rating
Revenue Budget Performance
Summary of 2023/24 Savings Progress
Capital Programme Performance
New Capital Schemes